Mitigate Outbound Risk

While cold emails are the foundation of every B2B sales team’s go-to-market, they create the highest risk to your deliverability and email infrastructure.

Specialized for Cold Email Deliverability

Cold email inherently creates deliverability issues which require an unwavering focus to resolve. Allegrow uniquely provides a specialized cold email deliverability solution which sits directly inside your sales engagement provider. This functionality addresses the issue from every angle including; sending operations, content and engagement.

Deliverability Consolidated

Consolidating every deliverability feature you need in one solution, removes the risk of siloed data and functionality which isn’t specifically crafted for your use case. This approach has been established as a requirement for every team at scale to run a safe cold email outreach process. As this functionality integrates directly into your sales engagement system with Allegrow you can sleep better at night:

  • Allegrow tests DKIM, SPF and DMARC every hour automatically, using real email traffic to cover your bases on email authentication. This demonstrates you’re a trustworthy sender to email providers.
  • The Allegrow Safety Net™ helps mitigate the risk of automated emails being sent to contacts that will hurt your sender reputation (like spam traps, invalid emails and regular spam reporters). We do this by running risk analysis automatically in the scheduled state of your sales engagement platform.
  • Content Testing allows you to definitively measure the spam rating of different content variations your team creates. Providing clarity of filtering implications and maximizing engagement from your audience.
  • Using sophisticated warm-up, Allegrow helps you build sender reputation sustainably with a network of real mailboxes conducting complex interactions.

Reduce Cold Email Risk

Beyond deliverability, Allegrow provides the functionality to manage and reduce the risk cold email creates for the entire company. With our experience and domain expertise, we can help you avoid issues for other departments by putting the correct safeguards put in place - as ensuring email is an effective communication channel is vital for every mid-market and enterprise business:

  • Allegrow supports and advises on the implementation and roll-out of subdomains for different sending operations to mitigate sender reputation risk on your core domain.
  • Spam Rating analysis inside Allegrow allows you to see and prevent spam increases on specific email users which risk hurting the entire teams' deliverability.
  • With a single source of truth on inbox placement for each domain and subdomain, you can resolve deliverability issues before they hurt.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

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